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Why You Should Consider All on Four Dental Implants 

Do you wear dentures? Dentures are a tried-and-true method of replacing lost teeth. On the other hand, they are not without flaws. If you are unhappy with your dentures or wish to modify something about them, you may want to consider switching to all on four dental implants. All-on-four implants are a full arch of teeth held in place by only four posts. They are an excellent option for people who require total tooth replacement and have bone loss. To learn more about dental implants in Winnipeg, Manitoba, speak to an expert today. 

Here are some of the benefits of all-on-four dental implants for denture wearers. 

Restore your bite force. 

After having dentures, you most likely noticed a significant shift in your diet and eating habits. Dentures make it difficult to completely chew your meal, and some hard or chewy foods are off the table because your dentures cannot handle them. 

Dentures, unlike real teeth, do not allow you to bite using the full force of your natural teeth since they are not rooted in your jawbone. Dental implants, on the other hand, feature a titanium post that replaces the tooth root. Because all four implants are anchored to your jaw, you can bite with significantly more force than with dentures. This will allow you to reintroduce your favorite foods into your diet. 

Avoid embarrassment 

Have you ever noticed your dentures sliding or shifting places in your mouth when you were laughing, talking, or eating with a friend? Tooth loss is not something to be ashamed of, yet it is difficult not to feel humiliated when your teeth move around in your mouth. 

Once again, the titanium posts holding your dental implants in place will rescue you. Smile confidently, converse without hiding your mouth, and eat anything you want without pausing to fix your teeth. Your dental implants will stay in place, so you will not have to worry about your teeth shifting. 

Get a permanent solution. 

The frequency with which you will need to repair or replace your dentures varies with each patient, but it is a safe bet that you will need to do so at some point. Slippery dentures are easy to drop while cleaning and can shatter in your tiled bathroom floor or sink. Even if you avoid this damage, your dentures will deteriorate over time and must be relined or replaced. Furthermore, without the stimulation that your tooth roots used to provide, your face will change shape, resulting in dentures that no longer fit properly and must be adjusted. This is when all four dental implants will again come to your resume, as they are a permanent solution – as long as you take good care of them.