One Health Cares

Health Blog


Blending and enhancing kratom tea with natural ingredients

While simple kratom tea made from powdered leaves or crude extracts provides a mellow introduction, further refinement through considered ingredient additions unlocks more nuanced and tailored flavor dimensions – from citrusy zing to creamy decadence. Let’s explore palate-pleasing botanical and…

CBD gummies- your gateway to a calmer, healthier lifestyle

One increasingly popular option is CBD, or cannabidiol – one of the many active compounds found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, the compound in cannabis that causes a “high”, CBD is completely non-psychoactive. This makes CBD an appealing natural…

How Listening To Music Too Much Can Affect Your Hearing Abilities Through The Years? 

Music is a huge influence in our lives, giving us happiness, vitality, and relaxation. However, the one thing that improves our lives may also pose a hidden danger: hearing impairment. While occasional loud music exposure may not cause long-term harm,…

Finding the right delta 9 gummy dose for your experience level

If you have limited or no prior experience using cannabis, it is critically important to start with very low doses of delta 9 THC gummies, ideally in the 2.5mg to 5mg THC per gummy range. This roughly equates to the…

Learn how home remedies can treat the fungal infections in your hair

The common problem that people experience with their hair is the fungal infections. You can use some over-the-counter medicine to treat it, but most people prefer natural home remedies you can get in your homes and use as their Skin…


Deciphering the Contrast – Thermage Versus Ultherapy for Non-Invasive Skin Tightening

In the ever-evolving sphere of non-invasive cosmetic enhancements, Thermage and Ultherapy emerge as leading contenders, offering distinct avenues for skin tightening and rejuvenation. While both treatments present innovative solutions for addressing signs of aging such as sagging skin and wrinkles,…

What is Yellow Laser: Brightening Your Skin with Advanced Technology

The Pro Yellow Laser treatment in Singapore has emerged as a revolution in the field of dermatology, offering a promising solution for those seeking to enhance the brightness of their skin. This advanced laser technology is often associated with achieving…

Transformative Healing: How Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Sheds Light on the Path to Recovery from Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a pervasive and complex issue that affects individuals from all walks of life. In the quest for effective interventions, Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT skills has emerged as a promising approach, offering a unique set of skills and…