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6 Main Causes of Spider Veins

Spider veins are typically characterized by light-colored blue or red clusters of smaller colored veins that look like spiders. These small blood vessels cut across the surface of the skin and are usually found in a single line on the legs. They will often be more prominent when standing and less while sitting due to gravity, but they can occur anywhere on the body.

However, spider vein surgery in South Carolina is not always necessary as there are many minimally invasive treatment options available now for spider veins. If you think your spider veins may be causing a problem, it is important to have them evaluated by your physician. It is also good to be familiar with the different types of spider vein treatment available before seeing a specialist.

Below are some of the main causes of spider veins.

  • Age

Spider veins often appear in people in their mid to late thirties and can continue to be a problem as you age. They are more likely to develop as you stop exercising, drink alcohol, or climb stairs. If you have ever experienced a spider vein on your leg prior to being evaluated, it is likely that your veins have been there for quite some time. 

  • Family history

Does your family have a history of spider veins? If you have relatives who have them, you are more likely to get them yourself. 

  • Prolonged standing

Even if you do not have a strong history of spider veins or a family history, prolonged standing combined with having a job that requires you to stand or sit for long periods of time will increase your chances of getting them in the future. Sweeping and mopping, working on your feet, as well as standing all day in high heels also puts you at risk of developing spider veins. 

  • Pregnancy

Spider veins are common among women who are expecting a baby, and they can continue well into postpartum days due to the changes in hormones and the amount of blood that your body is producing.

  • Underlying vein condition

As with any vein disorder, spider veins can develop in people with underlying medical conditions, such as varicose veins, venous insufficiency, or port wine stains.

  • Obesity

Obesity can lead to increased pressure in the veins, causing them to bulge, increasing the risk of spider veins.