Can you imagine not being able to walk just because you have the fear of falling? If you do, it could be a sign of Vertigo and shouldn’t be ignored at all. Ears balance our bodies. When there’s an imbalance, that’s called vertigo. If you’re worried that you might be experiencing the first few signs of Vertigo, head to an audiologist as soon as you can.
Wondering what those signs and symptoms are and how can an audiologist fix you again? Fret not, this guide will help!
Signs of Vertigo That You Should Pay Attention to
The first sign, as you know, is the fear of falling when walking in an aisle confined between different products in a market. But, that’s not all. There are many other signs and symptoms listed below.
- You might feel dizzy and unstable upon visual stimulation.
- You’ll feel dizzy and have a sense of motion while you’re still sitting.
- Feeling nauseous whenever you stand up after sitting. Or the feeling of nausea even if you move your head from side to side.
- Developing a fear of walking at all in darkness since you feel you won’t be able to balance your body.
These are all clear-cut indications that you might be experiencing the signs and symptoms of Vertigo.
Wondering what to do next? Head on to the upcoming section to know more.
Detection and Treatment of Vertigo
You experience the symptoms, but until and unless an audiologist performs certain tests, nobody can be certain that you indeed have Vertigo. When you head to an audiology center, the doctors will perform the following tests depending on your complaint.
- Visual tests for oculomotor assessment
- Oscillopsia evaluation
Once the assessment treatment is done, then the doctors chart a treatment plan. For instance, the Audiologie Centre West vertigo treatment plan is one of the best treatment therapies you can get to correct vertigo.
The treatment (rehabilitation) plans are as follows.
- Repositional Maneuver if you’re detected with BPPV.
- Initial Vestibular Therapy in case of mild handicap.
- Personalized vestibular therapy for moderate cases.
- Long-term personalized vestibular rehab for extreme cases.
What plan is best for you depends upon how severe or mild your vertigo is. Only an audiologist can find that out.
You must first check out the websites of the audiology centers near you and look at their ratings and reviews to establish which one is the best. If you’re based in Montreal, Audiologie Centre West is one of the best clinics for ears. Check out their website and call them to clear your doubts.