Excess homocysteine may be an indicator of malnutrition. It is associated with many medical conditions, including coronary disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s. However, studies have shown that reducing homocysteine with increased nutrition does not provide the desired medical benefits and is unsafe. This post portrays homocysteine, looks at factors that influence its levels, including diet, way of life and genetic qualities (for example, MTHFR changes), and how best to develop your levels further. Look at the best ways that help for better prosperity.
What is homocysteine?
Homocysteine is a sulfur-containing amino corrosive substance that the body produces from another amino corrosive substance called methionine. Foods high in methionine include meat, egg whites and fish.
This is done with the intention that your body will break down various elements effectively along with the B nutrition guide. High homocysteine levels may reflect a deficiency of these nutrients.
High homocysteine levels have been linked to coronary heart disease, intellectual disorder, and dementia, in addition to malnutrition.
Diseases associated with high homocysteine
Elevated levels of homocysteine are associated with various diseases.
However, if you have high homocysteine levels, it does not mean that you have any of the diseases listed below!
High homocysteine levels are experienced as follows:
- Resting apnea
- Psychological imbalance
- Stomach problems
It is essential to address your homocysteine levels if possible. Excess homocysteine increases risk:
- Coronary disease
- Coagulation of veins
- Intellectual disability and dementia
- Alzheimer’s
- Osteoporosis
- All-cause deaths
Coronary disease
High homocysteine (hyperhomocysteinemia) has been recommended as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease since the mid-90s.
Studies indicate that high fasting blood homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of coronary disease.
In any case, the specific role of homocysteine in coronary disease has not yet been confirmed. Some researchers have suggested that high homocysteine levels may be associated with constriction and atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis).
Again, massive research on more than 115k people suggests that long-term moderate homocysteine elevation (in light of hereditary symptoms) has had almost no effect on coronary disease and raises doubts about recently delivered tests. Does.
Furthermore, there is some controversy about lowering homocysteine levels using supplements. Large-scale studies have shown that the use of low B homocysteine nutrient B enrichment in preventing coronary heart disease is inadequate and sometimes surprisingly safe!
Meta-research of 15 trials with more than 71k individuals found that reducing homocysteine was more effective in preventing coronary episodes or enhancing nutrients B6, B9 or B12 given alone or in combination with sham treatment. All causes of the opposite do not affect death.
Accordingly, homocysteine may not be a risk factor. Still, it may be a risk marker for coronary disease, which is destructive when taken due to other substances that increase the risk of coronary diseases, such as red meat.
Due to reported abnormalities, the American Heart Association does not consider homocysteine a focal point for coronary heart disease. Hence routine tests are not recommended.
Homocysteine induces an inflammatory response in vascular smooth muscle cells by activating CRP formation. However, it is based on animal research and has not yet been confirmed in humans. CRP or C-responsive protein is a detectable marker of persistent inflammation leading to venous occlusion and increased risk of coronary heart disease.
Insulin resistance
One study found that people with insulin deficiency did not have as much homocysteine because the effects of insulin on homocysteine affect digestion and renal independence.
A survey of 924 men found that those in the upper third of homocysteine were twice as likely as those in the lower third to be depressed.
The last report found that those with high homocysteine levels (> 12 μmol / L) generally had lower levels of SAMe, a supplement necessary for the development of synapses related to nature improvement.
In a review of 236 critically ill patients admitted to the hospital, homocysteine levels were reduced, and weighty expressions were reduced by supplementing with nutrients B2, B6, B12 and folic acid.
Intellectual function, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
An accurate audit and meta-examination of 111 articles found a correlation between intellectual defects and elevated plasma homocysteine levels. In any case, treatment with nutrients to prevent intellectual error is neglected.
In particular, meta-research of 10 trials with 1.9k people with intellectual disability and 21 trials with more than 15k individuals without intellectual disability found that high homocysteine was associated with intellectual impairment and increased risk of dementia. However, there is no denying the intellectual benefit of reducing homocysteine using B nutrients.
In a study of 1.9k people without dementia, high homocysteine levels were associated with an increased risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease over the next eight years. Homocysteine levels above 14 mmol / L are almost twice as likely to cause Alzheimer’s disease.
Cell and animal models have suggested that homocysteine may potentially induce neuronal damage in response to oxidative stress, DNA damage, and apoptotic (auxiliaries of cell passing) factors in cell and animal models. However, these findings do not apply to the public.
Disease of the immune system
Homocysteine levels are high in some immune system diseases, for example,
- Patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- A kind of tree
- Psoriasis
Homocysteine levels repeatedly increase in individual sclerosis, but others do not.
High homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of Osteoporosis.
However, treating high homocysteine with nutrient B supplements may not help. A review of women over 75k found that supplementation with the B6 and B12 supplementation alone halved the risk of hip fracture.