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Dental Health

Could My Dental Bridge Last Forever?

You likely want the final product of a tooth replacement to look as much like your natural teeth as feasible. A dental bridge is a startlingly realistic way to replace one, two, or perhaps even three consecutively lost teeth. You might be curious how long your dental bridge will last, though. Continue reading for information on how long dental bridges last and suggestions for keeping your new smile looking great after getting them from a dental practice in Maryville, TN.

How durable are dental bridges?

How long dental bridges survive is a tricky topic because it depends on various things, including a person’s diet, oral hygiene practice, and overall way of life. According to several dental experts, the usual lifespan of a bridge is between five and ten years. A bridge may last for well over ten years with proper maintenance.

What causes a dental bridge to break?

A dental bridge’s lifespan is typically brought to an end by normal wear and tear, but additional conditions can lead it to fail earlier. Of them, poor oral hygiene is the most prevalent. Plaque buildup weakens the supporting teeth to the extent that they can no longer sustain the restoration when it collects under or surrounds the bridge. The impact of injury or harm can affect a bridge and cause it to crumble.

It is crucial to do the appropriate preventive maintenance in order to keep your bridge from collapsing before its time.

The best ways to make your dental bridge survive longer!

It is ideal for proactively caring for your dental bridge, just like natural teeth. As long as you are careful with your:

  • Try to restrict things like candies, taffy, and hard pieces of bread to avoid overeating foods that are overly sticky or hard, which could weaken or damage your bridge. Additionally, consume sweet and starchy foods sparingly because they can raise the likelihood of gum disease and tooth decay, both of which can result in the failure of a dental bridge.
  • Brushing your bridge the same way you would, your natural teeth will function, but regular flossing will not. To cleanse the area between the gums and your bridge, utilize a floss threader, an interdental toothbrush, or water floss. Feel free to test various choices to see which suits you best.
  • No matter how many of your natural teeth are present, you should visit the dentist at least two times a year for routine examinations and cleanings. Without your knowledge, issues with your bridge, residual teeth, and gums may arise, and your dentist can frequently identify them before they have a significant negative impact.