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Why You Should See an NW Albuquerque Dentist Immediately for a Tooth Infection

Persistent toothache can be due to tooth infections. But despite the pain, you may still not visit an NW Albuquerque dentist immediately due to a busy schedule or dental anxiety. However, tooth pain should not be ignored. When not treated promptly, a tooth infection can lead to complications and make your daily life miserable. Symptoms of tooth infection include pain when you bite or chew, tooth sensitivity, persistent bad breath, swollen jaw, and gums, as well as fever.

A tooth infection occurs when bacteria reach the nerves and pulp of your tooth root. Such entry is possible through cavities formed because of tooth decay, tooth cracks, or tooth chips. However, regardless of the kind of damage that resulted in the infection, you must seek immediate treatment. 

What Happens if a Tooth Infection Goes Untreated?

When not treated immediately, a tooth infection can lead to pain, inflammation, and swelling. This can quickly result in dental abscess formation. When the abscess is not addressed for a week, your symptoms can get worse. Not treating an infection immediately puts you at risk of losing the infected tooth. An infection can weaken the tooth and its root. Also, the infection can spread to other parts of your mouth, such as the jawbone and gums. And when the infection reaches your bloodstream, it can threaten vital organs such as your brain, lungs, and heart. 

Treatment for Tooth Infections

How your dentist will treat your tooth infection depends on the seriousness of your issue. For example, small abscesses can be treated by making incisions and draining the pus to eliminate the infection. For more serious infections, your dentist may perform a root canal procedure. The procedure starts with administering a local anesthetic and making a hole in the tooth to eliminate the root canal infection. Then, the dentist will seal the tooth back up and place a crown over it. If it is no longer possible to save a tooth, an extraction may be necessary. 

No matter the treatment you get, you may also have to take antibiotics to ensure the infection does not spread. Your dentist should know about your allergies or medications you are currently taking, so you can be prescribed the most effective antibiotic. 

A tooth infection should be dealt with right away. A dentist will determine how to alleviate your pain and stop the tooth infection from spreading. They will determine the right kind of treatment, depending on the seriousness of the infection.