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Tips on how you can flag depression

Some depressed individuals may attempt to conceal their symptoms, while others may not even be aware that they are depressed. While signs like depression or hopelessness that are well-known might be simple to see, some symptoms could be less visible.

There are numerous covert signals of depression, even though some are evident. But it’s crucial to remember that related medical conditions may also manifest some of the same symptoms.

If you or anyone you know may be facing some of these symptoms discussed in this article, you may consider seeing a specialist. In a country like India, one may consider looking for the best psychologist in Hyderabad, Mumbai, or Delhi, as these cities provide cost-effective treatments.

The less visible signs and symptoms of depression are covered in this page. It also discusses typical depressive triggers and what to do if you or a loved one exhibits the following symptoms.

Shifts in sleeping patterns

Sleep and mood go hand in hand very closely. Both melancholy and sleep difficulties might be caused by an inability to sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to depression, according to research from a reliable source. Changes in the brain’s neurochemistry may be the cause of this.

Nevertheless, sleeping more than normal might also be an indication of despair.

Self-critical thoughts

A destructive and self-critical internal conversation is negative self-talk. Many depressed persons engage in negative self-talk and automatically think unfavourable things about themselves.

Negative self-talk has detrimental effects on wellbeing and cognitive function, according to researchTrusted Source, despite the paucity of studies on its long-term effects.

Illusionary happiness

Hidden sadness is sometimes referred to as “smiling depression.” This is due to the possibility that those who conceal their symptoms may make an effort to maintain a cheerful demeanour while among other people.

It might be challenging to maintain this fake cheerfulness and optimism, though. The mask may come off with time, and the person may start to exhibit indications of melancholy, hopelessness, or loneliness.

Changes in appetite and weight

Eating excessively or insufficiently may be a sign of sadness. While some individuals use food as solace, others who are depressed lose their appetite or eat less.

A person may gain or lose weight as a result of these changes in food intake. They may also have an impact on your energy and mood.

Physiological variables can also be in play. For instance, there is a connection between too much body fat and elevated inflammatory levels in the body. This might then affect how quickly or severely depressive symptoms manifest.

Drug or alcohol abuse

Alcohol or drugs may be used by some persons with mood disorders to help them deal with unpleasant emotions like melancholy, loneliness, or hopelessness.

According to the statistics, about 1 in 5 people who suffer from anxiety or a mood condition like depression also have a problem with alcohol or other drugs. On the other hand, the same percentage of people who have a mood problem also have an alcohol or substance use disorder.


Overly tiredness is a very typical sign of depression. According to some studies, more than 90% of depressed individuals report feeling tired.

Although everyone has occasional fatigue, those who experience extreme or persistent fatigue, particularly if it is accompanied by other symptoms, may be hiding a depression.

Concentration loss

A person may have memory or focus problems if they ramble throughout talks or lose their line of thought. Such problems are a typical sign of depression.

According to a Reliable Source, these attention and concentration issues can make job and interpersonal interactions more difficult, which can exacerbate the social effects of depression.

Additionally, a 2018 narrative review points out that a significant feature of severe depressive illness is cognitive impairment. The impact on a person’s social life, ability to get back to work, and productivity in the office may be substantial.

Common causes of depression

Researchers still don’t fully understand what causes depression. However, a lot of specialists believe that a number of elements, such as:

  • Genetics: Depression may run in families due to genetics. A person’s chance of getting the illness increases if they have a close family who has it.
  • Biological variations: The onset of depression may be influenced by structural or chemical alterations in the brain.
  • Hormones: The body’s hormonal fluctuations or imbalances can contribute to or precipitate depression. For instance, many women who give birth have postpartum depression.
  • Trauma or stress: For some people, stressful times, traumatic experiences, or significant life upheavals might set off a depressive episode.
  • Personality traits: For instance, depression risk may be increased by poor self-esteem or pessimism.
  • Other diseases: Taking certain medications or having a different mental or physical health condition can make depression more likely.


Not every depressed person will exhibit the classic signs of sorrow and hopelessness. Sometimes, a person’s sole symptoms are purely physical, including exhaustion, sleeplessness, or weight fluctuations.

Use of alcohol or drugs, feeling agitated or furious, and losing interest in enjoyable pursuits like sex and hobbies are other indicators of concealed melancholy.

If a loved one has concealed depression, consider talking to them about it and providing them with nonjudgmental support and guidance. People who think they might have depression should think about reaching out to a psychiatry counseling hospital about it.