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Possible Courses of Action for TMJ Disorder

Have you ever had pain in your ears, head, or jaw? Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMD for short, is a condition in which you feel jaw pain and other symptoms. The level of discomfort caused by this ailment can significantly alter one’s daily activities and general standard of living. TMD can be treated in various ways in a positive turn of events. Consult about your options with gentle family dentistry in Riverside.

Exactly what is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge connecting the jaw to the skull and is the subject of the acronym TMJ. The jaw joint is responsible for most of the motions of the mouth, including talking, chewing, and opening and closing the mouth. Muscles and a tendon called the temporal tendon connect the bones at this joint, just like every other joint in the body.

So, what exactly is transverse myelitis?

The term “TMD” describes problems involving the jaw joint. Arthritis and other joint disorders can cause stiffness and pain when moving this joint. Pain in the mouth, cheek, or ear, as well as difficulties chewing, are common complaints related to various disorders.

An individual can develop TMD for a variety of reasons, including genetics, tooth grinding, illness, or injury. Finding out what’s causing your condition at the dentist’s office will help you get the best care possible.

Care for Temporomandibular Disorders

Your dentist will use diagnostic imaging and a comprehensive oral examination to help you develop a treatment plan for TMD. Medication, treatment, and, in extreme situations, surgery are popular approaches to treating TMD.

Medication Anti-inflammatory medicines are commonly used to treat TMD to lessen the discomfort associated with chronic inflammation. A tight and aching jaw may be relieved by using a muscle relaxer.


Physical therapy and stretching and strengthening jaw muscles are sometimes used in treating TMD. Avoiding joint aggravation caused by grinding and clenching your teeth can be accomplished with therapeutic devices like dental splints or mouth guards. Counseling may be useful in resolving the underlying causes of TMD if they are behavioral in nature, as in the cases of trauma and addiction.

Corrective Measures

Surgical procedures may be required to treat more severe cases of TMD. These surgical procedures are all used to treat TMD.

  • Arthrocentesis is a procedure wherein tiny needles are used to access the joint and drain any excess fluid or debris.
  • Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves making only a few tiny incisions to examine and treat damage to a joint.