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Dental Health

More cavities occur in molars than in any other tooth.

For many youngsters, molars are indeed more prone to decay. For this reason, I propose we address two more pertinent inquiries: Why do people usually have more cavities in their molars? And what can we do to aid in averting them?

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Pits and Fissures

Molars provide an important purpose but are also more susceptible to decay due to their form. In contrast to our front teeth, our molars are employed for grinding and chewing rather than tearing through food, which is why they’re so much bigger and have a flat top. Okay, so it’s not totally flat.

The crown of a molar isn’t particularly smooth. It has tiny depressions called pits and longer channels called fissures. These craters make it harder for the bristles to clear the brush of debris and food and serve as a magnet for the particles themselves. Pit and fissure cavities are so typical on molar surfaces that they have their own name.

Biological facts about molars need not imply that you will get cavities. To ensure that your children have healthy, cavity-free adult molars, there are measures you may take to safeguard their developing molars.

Pit and fissure prevention

Use your toothbrush properly; don’t just brush.

Brushing your teeth thoroughly twice daily is the first line of defense against cavities. Your kid should brush for two minutes twice a day. And while the amount of time we spend brushing is crucial, so is our technique.

Ensure the youngster carefully brushes the upper and lower teeth, paying specific attention to the pits and fissures when teaching them how to brush.

Take care of your teeth by eating right.

Bacteria in plaque convert the carbohydrates in our diet into acids. Acids like this weaken the tooth enamel’s mineral structure, which makes cavities more likely. Tooth decay is more common in molars because of the many crevices and pits that provide ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and food particles (especially sticky ones). Reducing your intake of sugary and sticky meals like sweet snacks and simple carbohydrates can assist.

Inquire about Sealants

Sealants are harmless, invisible coatings that shield molars from the accumulation of food and bacteria in the grooves and pits naturally occurring in teeth. An etching solution is applied to the molar’s chewing surface before the sealant is sprayed on and cured with a curing light to ensure a strong binding between the sealant and the tooth. That settles the matter, period.